Dr. Sharp writes from a place of experience as a prophetic intercessor. She has endured being misunderstood, criticized, and judged on how she has interceded for others. The prophetic acts of an intercessor may seem unorthodox to some, but to others it’s a blessing.
Since a child, Dr. Sharp has accepted the call as an intercessor and continues to partner with the Holy Spirit to pray the will of God for mankind. She has written this book to help you, the intercessor, understand that nothing is wrong with you in how you pray as long as you're praying the heart of God.
She encourages the reader to accept and embrace the call of an intercessor because God needs your special prayers. This study guide for intercessors will help you to say "yes" to the call.
Dr. Sharp’s book, “The Power of Intercession: Root Killer Prayers,” is an excellent resource for anyone, especially those called to the ministry of prophetic intercession.
Have you been sitting on your gift? Have you become tired and weary from unanswered prayers? This book gave me greater insight to the importance of this call in God’s kingdom, as well as strategic prayers that target the root of numerous physical and mental disorders.
It is scripture based from page to page and includes testimonials that move your soul. Dr. Sharp reveals the heart of the Father to propel you to another level of intercession. I am inspired and strengthened to return as a watchman on the wall!